Open Letter from a BUNS Volunteer

October 2014

On the occasion of our Annual Meeting I’d like to express what I’ve been thinking for a long time about our BUNS community.

I want to acknowledge the tremendously hard, and good, work that so many here, and elsewhere, have done, and are doing, in the service of fulfilling our stated mission.

I see incredible outlays of time, energy, personal finances, creativity, and profound caring here at BUNS. I see heartfelt concern for each other, and patience and forgiveness (not always immediately, but eventually!) for other frazzled, stressed or inexperienced volunteers, and forbearance with the uneducated public. I’ve also seen courage under miserable working conditions, ie. terrible heat waves!

The last 2 years have been the hardest of my 9 years volunteering with BUNS. I, and others, have been stretched thinner and thinner by the sheer numbers of animals in our care and by a higher number of heartbreaking losses than we are used to sustaining. I suspect that every rescue organization really should have a grief counselor on call during the inevitable hard times.

But since we don’t have a professional on staff I’m offering what small thing I can to help care for the caregivers, which is my deep gratitude for, and recognition of, the huge gifts we have given—not for personal gain, self-image, or glory—but for love.

I thank you all most profoundly for what you have given, and are giving, to protect the most innocent among us.

I will always count each of you as one of my forever friends!

Shellye K.,
BUNS Board member and volunteer