The Carrot Tribune - November 2019

The Carrot Tribune

In this issue...

  • Bunny of the Month
  • November Hoppy Hour
  • Basic Bunny and Guinea Pig Class
  • Cutness from our Instagram!


Hoppy Hour and Pignic

This month's is Sunday November 24 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. So bring your fuzzy friend and give them an opportunity to socialize with other rabbits and guinea pigs! Socialization is a very important part of overall rabbit and guinea pig welfare, and a Hoppy Hour is the perfect opportunity to let your fuzzy one play with others. 

We'll be at the Humane Society Lawn, at 5399 Overpass Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93111. Admission is $10 per rabbit or guinea pig. All animals must be healthy and rabbits must have been spayed or neutered at least 30 days in advance.

Please join us for an afternoon of fun!

Our registration/waiver form is available online! Print it out before you come to save time at Hoppy Hour and Pignic registration! (If you've filled one out before, note that we've consolidated the Rabbit and Guinea Pig forms) You can download fill out out a form before coming:

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Basic Bunny and Guinea Pig Class

Our next class is Sunday November 10. Join us on our Facebook event page to learn more! 

1:00 to 2:00 - Handling and Husbandry
2:00 to 2:30 - Training

Bring your Rabbit or Guinea Pig. Learn easy handling and care-taking during the first hour, then for the last half hour play training games that are fun for you and your pet! 

$5.00 for an individual
$10.00 for a family
Free to BUNS volunteers

All classes are in the Humane Society Education Building, at 5399 Overpass Rd, Goleta, (to the east  of the Animal Shelter)

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Sugar is our Bunny of the Month!

Sugar is a very aptly named bunny, as she is a very sweet girl! This beauty boasts an amazing Rex breed coat - it is snow white, with the texture of velvet . She also has gorgeous pink/lavender eyes, and as if that's not enough, she is also a supreme cuddle-bunny!  Sugar is waiting for a loving human who will give her all the pets and cuddles she so richly deserves, and her forever home.

Want to know who the Guinea Pig of the Month for November is? Visit to find out!

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Follow us on Instagram…

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Hoppy New Year from BUNS! – The Carrot Tribune – Janury 2020


Negotiating Territory with Your House Bunny - The Carrot Tribune - October 2019