The Carrot Tribune - July 2019

The Carrot Tribune

In this issue...

  • July 14: Rabbit and Guinea Pig Care Class
  • July 28: Hoppy Hour and Pignic
  • Rabbit and Guinea Pig of the Month for July
  • Hashtag BUNSSB


Basic Bunny and Guinea Pig Classes

Our next class is Sunday July 14. Join us on our Facebook event page to learn more! 

1:00 to 2:00 - Handling and Husbandry
2:00 to 2:30 - Training

Bring your Rabbit or Guinea Pig. Learn easy handling and care-taking during the first hour, then for the last half hour play training games that are fun for you and your pet! 

$5.00 for an individual
$10.00 for a family
Free to BUNS volunteers

All classes are in the Humane Society Education Building, at 5399 Overpass Rd, Goleta, (to the east  of the Animal Shelter)

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Hoppy Hour and Picnic - July 28

Due to a heightened risk of rabbits contracting Myxomatosis, the upcoming Hoppy Hour (July 28) will be held in the education room of the Humane Society, rather than on the lawn as usual. The standard free health check is being enhanced to include a check of the rabbit’s temperature.  For the safety of the group, all rabbits must have their temperatures taken (by our experienced rabbit handlers) before being admitted.

This month's is Sunday July 28 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. So bring your fuzzy friend and give them an opportunity to socialize with other rabbits and guinea pigs! Socialization is a very important part of overall rabbit and guinea pig welfare, and a Hoppy Hour is the perfect opportunity to let your fuzzy one play with others. 

We'll be at the Humane Society Lawn, at 5399 Overpass Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93111. Admission is $10 per rabbit or guinea pig. All animals must be healthy and rabbits must have been spayed or neutered at least 30 days in advance.

Please join us for an afternoon of fun!

Our registration/waiver form is available online! Print it out before you come to save time at Hoppy Hour and Pignic registration! (If you've filled one out before, note that we've consolidated the Rabbit and Guinea Pig forms) You can download fill out out a form before coming:

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Bunnies of the Month

Huna and Zen are amazing! These beautiful Giant Chinchilla breed bunnies are a loving pair of bonded sisters who enjoy nothing better than running around and having a great time. They are a true tribute to their breed, boasting beautiful coats so soft and made for petting, and of course their considerable size truly makes them a stand out!  Huna and Zen are calm and gentle, and offer a whole lot to love!

Click below to learn who the Guinea Pig of the Month is!

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Share your Bunny or Guinea Pig with us on Instagram! Use @bunssb and #bunsSB to let everyone know you're a BUNS fan!

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Dennis and Denim, A Shelter Love Story? – The Carrot Tribune - August 2019


Are You Doing Everything You Could be to Keep Your Rabbit Safe This Summer? -- The Carrot Tribune Extra Edition June 2019