BUNS Newsletter - January 2016

The Carrot Tribune


Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who sent presents for under our tree. We didn't get names or contact information from all of our Santas, but we are so grateful to everyone. Thank you so much!

Thank you to all our generous supporters, we wouldn't be able function without your donations.

Thank you to everyone who gave a home to a bunny or guinea pig this year. A home is such a precious gift and one that we treasure most of all.

Finally, thank you to our wonderful volunteers and to our shelter friends at ASAP, CAPA, DAWG, K-PALS, the Santa Barbara Humane Society, and Robbie and Tami. We are lucky to have such wonderful vets like Dr. Haskell and Dr. Gibbs and all the staff at Adobe Pet Hospital, also Drs Sostrin, Welton, Franklin, Sisk, Rittenberg, and Lawrence. Our hats are off to the staff of Animal Services who work so hard. We are lucky to be part of a caring and special community.

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2016 Class Schedule

Learn how to best care for your fuzzy friend at our Basic Bunny and Guinea Pig classes! This month's class is on Saturday, January 9, with upcoming classes February 6, March 5, April 9, May 8, June 11, 2016.

Classes are free for BUNS volunteers. Visit our class page on bunssb.org to learn more.

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Are you missing the symptoms of a dangerous condition?

Long-time volunteer and experienced bunny caretaker Jean Silva has written up a very informative article on molar spurs in rabbits.  If you love some-bunny, this is a must read. 

Both the front teeth and the cheek teeth are kept at normal lengths by the wear caused when the teeth rub against their opposing partner. When the teeth are out of alignment, overgrowth occurs. In the case of cheek teeth, elongated tooth enamel points can develop. These points are called molar spurs.

… Left untreated, molar spurs can cause your bunny to go into GI stasis. They can also result in abscessed cheeks and teeth which are much more difficult and costly to treat than spurs.

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Don't you like my hat?

Sometimes our fuzzy friends react to change in unexpected ways. Here's a story from one of our volunteers about an unexpected reaction to a change of clothes.

Sweetie glared at me and laid her ears flat on her back the moment that I stepped into her play yard. Sitting down 3 feet away from her I spoke in a friendly voice.

“Hi Sweetie. Would you like to have some dinner?”

I lay my hand palm down about 2 feet from her nose. She leapt forward and firmly bit the back of my hand. Guess not.
Sweetie and I had had a polite relationship until now. What had happened to upset her so? As I left the house, I had put on a baseball cap she had never seen before. Could that be it?

“Don’t you like my hat?” I asked tossing the hat on the ground. Sweetie charged forward, sniffed the hat. She picked it up in her teeth and shook it. Until, satisfied she dropped the hand and returned to her spot.

Once again, I placed my hand in front of her nose. This time she lowered her head and accepted a pet. Soon I was holding her in my arms carrying her in for dinner.

Rabbits observe the profiles of other animals rather than the details of appearance. Sweetie was not used to blue headed beings with beaks sprouting from their foreheads. She was not about to be picked up by one. I have noticed that on rainy days, the sight of me in a mackintosh alarms most rabbits. So if your rabbit is unexpectedly alarmed by you, consider how you may look.

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BUNS Newsletter - February 2016


BUNS Newsletter - December 2015